
Christmas Cookies

The other night Anistyn threw a fit because she wanted some Christmas cookies. I told her that for her to get cookies she would have to be a good girl and eat all of her dinner. The really funny part of this was that she was in tears when I was telling her this and as soon as the deal was struck she tried changing to her happy face. I wish I had a camera because it was so fake that it was almost freaky. So she ate all of her dinner and whilst she was finishing I headed off to the store to get some sugar cookie mix and some Christmas cookie cutters. When I got back she was finished with her dinner and ready to make cookies. So I let her help me mix in the ingredients and we started making cookies.
Then it was onto the frosting. It had been a while so I asked Deb how she made frosting. Deb disappeared for a minute and came back with a recipe in mind. I said "you just went in there and called your mom didn't you!"
By then I had already found a recipe from the cookbook. I used the vanilla that we got from Cozumel. It's the real authentic stuff. So I finished the cookies and began frosting them. I finished and gave one to Rae and she took one bite and put the cookie down. "I don't like that frosting Daddy, I am ready for my bath now!" I stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds. I told her "You gotta be killing my guys", and got her into her bath. She hasn't touched the cookies since.

One a side note, she keeps telling me that Pa is taking her to the North Pole. He called last week to see about taking Rae with them to ride on the Polar Express. It's the Heber Creeper train ride that simulates the story. I told her that Pa was taking her and that they would read, get a cookie and some chocolate milk on the Polar Express Train. She is very excited.


The things kids say. . .

Last weekend was pretty uneventful. I spent the weekend putting up Christmas lights and dealing with one of those migraines that come out of nowhere. Puts me out for a few hours. There were a couple of things that Anistyn said this weekend that were pretty funny. We finally got a Five Guys restaurant in Sandy. It seemed like a reincarnation of Eat-A-Burger with their spicy fries. The only differentiator was that they also had peanuts to eat while you at. Rae loved those more than her food. There happened to be two gals sitting behind us as we sat down that had to be in their early to mid 20's. As they got up to leave Rae said, "Look mom, she has a baby in her belly too!" Deb and i just kept eating like nothing happened. Once the girls left, I looked at Deb and asked her if she said what I think she said. Deb, just rolled her eyes. I felt bad because the gal wasn't really that big.
Once we got all the Christmas lights up at the house, I had the girls come out and look at them. Anistyn got out to the edge of the curb and said, "It's just beautiful dad!"


Where do you get home made Bows for your hair, and other Crafts. . .

Well at the Bo-peep of course. As much as I tease her about her words, she actually speaks better than most 4 and 5 years olds that we know. Her aunt Missy tended her today. I guess Missy took her to the Boutique and got her a bow for her hair and a little stuffed animal cat that we had to take everywhere this evening. Anistyn also got to see Santa eating dinner at the Mall. I guess he was on dinner break.
Her other word today is Fab-we-ous. She looks "fab-we-ous" with her new bow in her hair.


Don't be afeard of Draq-wee-ah

I almost forgot about this one. I was reminded tonight when we walked past a 30 ft. tall blow up Dracula at a car dealership. Where Anistyn gets tended four of the five days, whilst we're off trying to earn a buck, they blow out Hallow-ma-feen. They seriously have no less than 5 life size Characters around the living room, and a blow up Dracula in the front lawn. Every day Rae would tell me that she was being brave and that Draq-wee-ah only scared her when it was blown up. I'm telling ya that Jeff Foxworthy would have an entire show of "Words from the South" if he spent a week with us.

p.s. she just came upstairs and she had her maracas that we got her from "Medico"

Princess Stamps

So the other night whilst I was working on the computer, Deb gave Rae a bath and got her in her PJ's and ready for bed. I left for a bit and came back home. I went right in and checked on Rae. As soon as I came in she had this look of "I'm busted!" I knew something was up because she was really quiet and started to cover things up. I noticed that her PJ's were off and she had stripped down to her big girl pet shop panties. Under her nose was really pink and I wondered if she had been rubbing it as she had a runny nose for the last couple of days (she's getting new teeth). When I asked her what she was doing she got really quite and said "nothing, you can't come in here daddy!" I flipped the light on to see that she had gotten out her princess stamp kit. At which point she tucked her hands in between her legs and again told me "you can't look daddy, I have to go to the bathroom, you can't look daddy!" Yeah, her hands were covered in pink princess ink and she had been rubbing her nose. It looked like a pink Hitler mustache, and her hands were covered. Deb came in and said "I was just in here 5 minutes ago and she was just laying there". Rather than two tubs, Deb was able to clean most of it off with a washcloth.


What a weekend.

I have been playing with this blog all weekend, just to end up crashing the computer for most of the day on Sunday. I was finally able to get it back up and running at about 10 bells after creating a boot disk and doing a system restore. I was affeared that if I didn't fix it, the Mrs. might send me to sleep in the dog house. Which might I add would be fine as the heater out there, coupled with the insulation, keeps things mighty toasty.
Saturday was interesting. We had Anjelee's shower. Deb did a great job and I think everyone had a good time. The "evilskivers", real name ebelskivers, were a big hit. Thank goodness that they came out right. I was in charge of cooking. The Little smokies were popular as well. Mostly Sammy D did work on them once he got home. The rest of the weekend was pretty much uneventful. We did have some moments of hilarity with Anistyn though.
We were talking about needing a vacation and Deb asked Anistyn if she wanted to go to Disneyland for her "Birday" as she calls it. That set her off in total excitement, which was followed three seconds later by, "lets go right now!" We reminded her of how long of a drive it was and she was in tears for a good 5 minutes. Finally Deb reminded her that we just saw Micky at Disney on Ice, and that he was out visiting other towns, so he wasn't in Disneyland right now. We would have to wait for him to get back before we could go visit. She bought it and finally calmed down, but only after she blackmailed me into getting her the Mariposa Barbie doll.
On Sunday afternoon, she and Deb also made her Christmas list to Santa. They clipped out all the things she wants and used the glue stick to put them on a piece of paper. I think Jolly old St. Nick will be very appreciative of the work, as her actual letter looked more like five little spider webs. That's what you get with a almost 3 yr. old.
The tragedy came a little while later when I told her that I would get a stamp tomorrow and that we could send it off. Apparently that wasn't sufficient as she wanted me to hand deliver to the old bearded chap. I was to drive to the North Pole and hand over the goods. I told her that I couldn't because I didn't have a sleigh, at which point she climbed up to the table, leaned over and basically threatened me. She got this very serious look and leaned in and started whispering to me, "you better take my Christmas letter and hand it to Santa, and make sure he sees the baby that goes potty, and hand him the envelope" I could hardly keep a strait face. Deb just said "She told you!" I told her I wasn't doing anything until she finished her mac-n-cheese.
She is getting to the age where she is remembering things too because she pitched a fit this morning when Deb had to take her to Mrs. Cheryl's to be tended and she only wanted to take her letter to Santa.
Anistyn's word of the day yesterday was "eskivavor", you know, the moving steps at the mall. I had to remind her that it was called the Escalator.
She also had another WOTD, "Coupon". Deb was eating a salad and gave her a crouton to eat. She kindly let me know that mommy let her have one of her "coupons".


I have been thinking of adding a blog for quite some time. I have just had too many other things going to spend the time to get this up and running. The main reason that I wanted to do this to tell of our adventures and to keep track of all the funny things that Anistyn does or says. She is one of a kind and I could probably keep a seperate blog just for her if I wanted. She provides almost all of our entertainment these days. Welcome for now and I'll do my best to keep this updated.

1st year pics