
The things kids say. . .

Last weekend was pretty uneventful. I spent the weekend putting up Christmas lights and dealing with one of those migraines that come out of nowhere. Puts me out for a few hours. There were a couple of things that Anistyn said this weekend that were pretty funny. We finally got a Five Guys restaurant in Sandy. It seemed like a reincarnation of Eat-A-Burger with their spicy fries. The only differentiator was that they also had peanuts to eat while you at. Rae loved those more than her food. There happened to be two gals sitting behind us as we sat down that had to be in their early to mid 20's. As they got up to leave Rae said, "Look mom, she has a baby in her belly too!" Deb and i just kept eating like nothing happened. Once the girls left, I looked at Deb and asked her if she said what I think she said. Deb, just rolled her eyes. I felt bad because the gal wasn't really that big.
Once we got all the Christmas lights up at the house, I had the girls come out and look at them. Anistyn got out to the edge of the curb and said, "It's just beautiful dad!"


BSpiers said...

We have a 5 Guys by us and Richard loves it. I used to crave their burgers when I was pregnant with Porter.