
What a weekend.

I have been playing with this blog all weekend, just to end up crashing the computer for most of the day on Sunday. I was finally able to get it back up and running at about 10 bells after creating a boot disk and doing a system restore. I was affeared that if I didn't fix it, the Mrs. might send me to sleep in the dog house. Which might I add would be fine as the heater out there, coupled with the insulation, keeps things mighty toasty.
Saturday was interesting. We had Anjelee's shower. Deb did a great job and I think everyone had a good time. The "evilskivers", real name ebelskivers, were a big hit. Thank goodness that they came out right. I was in charge of cooking. The Little smokies were popular as well. Mostly Sammy D did work on them once he got home. The rest of the weekend was pretty much uneventful. We did have some moments of hilarity with Anistyn though.
We were talking about needing a vacation and Deb asked Anistyn if she wanted to go to Disneyland for her "Birday" as she calls it. That set her off in total excitement, which was followed three seconds later by, "lets go right now!" We reminded her of how long of a drive it was and she was in tears for a good 5 minutes. Finally Deb reminded her that we just saw Micky at Disney on Ice, and that he was out visiting other towns, so he wasn't in Disneyland right now. We would have to wait for him to get back before we could go visit. She bought it and finally calmed down, but only after she blackmailed me into getting her the Mariposa Barbie doll.
On Sunday afternoon, she and Deb also made her Christmas list to Santa. They clipped out all the things she wants and used the glue stick to put them on a piece of paper. I think Jolly old St. Nick will be very appreciative of the work, as her actual letter looked more like five little spider webs. That's what you get with a almost 3 yr. old.
The tragedy came a little while later when I told her that I would get a stamp tomorrow and that we could send it off. Apparently that wasn't sufficient as she wanted me to hand deliver to the old bearded chap. I was to drive to the North Pole and hand over the goods. I told her that I couldn't because I didn't have a sleigh, at which point she climbed up to the table, leaned over and basically threatened me. She got this very serious look and leaned in and started whispering to me, "you better take my Christmas letter and hand it to Santa, and make sure he sees the baby that goes potty, and hand him the envelope" I could hardly keep a strait face. Deb just said "She told you!" I told her I wasn't doing anything until she finished her mac-n-cheese.
She is getting to the age where she is remembering things too because she pitched a fit this morning when Deb had to take her to Mrs. Cheryl's to be tended and she only wanted to take her letter to Santa.
Anistyn's word of the day yesterday was "eskivavor", you know, the moving steps at the mall. I had to remind her that it was called the Escalator.
She also had another WOTD, "Coupon". Deb was eating a salad and gave her a crouton to eat. She kindly let me know that mommy let her have one of her "coupons".